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青年大使@馬紹爾群島-Day 2

2010年7月27日 牽起手,不再有距離。


p1. Kulas 的勇敢表現。

Kulas 是青年大使的隊長,這也是我第一次看到他主持活動。


p2. 小鐵參與遊戲的過程。

p3. 馬紹爾學生參與活動的過程。


接著,就回到教室,由我的好兄弟 Savi來說明接下來兩周的課程囉~

Savi 的英文很好,除了擔任照相工作之外,也協助許多活動的翻譯。我想,這除了跟她的主修相關之外,男朋友也幫了很大的忙吧~哈!

p4. Savi 認真的解說課程。




p5. 阿美族宜灣部落歌舞教學。

p6. 原住民樂舞練習。右一:青年大使Ipulu。






青年大使@馬紹爾群島-Day 1


青年大使抵達馬紹爾時間是2010年7月26日凌晨,休息之後早上便到中華民國駐馬紹爾群島共和國大使館與大使、參事與秘書見面,並簡單討論為期兩個禮拜的規劃。接著,下午便到CMI(馬紹爾學院,College of the Marshall Islands)開始彩排,並進行開幕典禮。


p1. 活動開幕式青年大使的表演


p2. 與馬國學生的交流(前:小鐵/中:Ipulu/後:Tuku)


p3. 與學生互動狀況


p4. 在海灘的交流時光(左:Tuku/右:小鐵)


p5. 左:馬紹爾查凱爾總統,中:中華民國駐馬紹爾群島共和國令狐大使


p6. 馬紹爾學院Erik夫婦與青年大使Savi與Tuku






2010 ROC Youth Ambassadors in the Marshall Islands


2010 台灣青年大使@馬紹爾群島

2010 ROC Youth Ambassadors,青年大使是外交部近年所積極推動的文化交流計畫之一,透過派送大專院校青年學子到邦交國進行短期的交流活動,與邦交國學生進行知識、文化與語言上的各種交流。而今年,派遣到馬紹爾群島共和國的青年大使是來自國立台灣東華大學,由三位老師帶領六位原住民學生所組成,進行為期兩個禮拜的交流訪問。




L.J Fann

大家都叫她「范媽」, 有著很直接的性格,有時會講出很好笑的話,有時會做出很搞笑的舉動,一點都不像是嚴格而嚴肅的教授!和每個學生都相處得很好,有些學生還會開玩笑地叫她「胖麗娟」(不過我想應該是口誤)哈哈!























2010 ROC Youth Ambassadors in Marshall Islands.





Loren Wu,


The ROC-RMI Vocational Training Program.

It is said that teaching a man how to fish is better than giving him a fish. The ROC-RMI vocational training program is the best practice to realize this spirit.

The ROC-RMI vocational training program

This project is divided into two parts. One part is about vehicle repairing, and the other part is about electric wiring. There are two professors come from Taiwan to teach the Marshallese people the basic knowledge and skills of these two fields. These two skills are more important to the Marshallese people than others. In addition, Taiwan donates some tools and materials that these project needed. It is great to support them software such as knowledge and hardware instead of money.

Lucky enough to participate in this diplomatic project.

Richard Liu, the secretary of the Republic of China (R.O.C) in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, told me to assist some details of this project, so I joined the meeting with the Marshallese Public Works officials. Only when I was involved in the diplomatic meeting and sat in the meeting room, I could feel that I stand for the Republic of China (Taiwan). It is really lucky for me to join the discussion of the international project even though I just sat and listened, I still concentrated on every detail to learn the way the foreign officials talked.

The most beautiful office in the Marshall

I have to say that perhaps the Ministry of Public Works office is the most beautiful one in this island. Colorful walls and great design make the environment happy and relaxing. I was attracted by the meeting room with lots pictures on the walls.

I am so proud while seeing the national flag of the R.O.C on other country.

There are total 50 students chosen to join the project. They all wore the blue uniform with the flag of R.O.C (Taiwan). This is a big project not only for the Marshall Islands but also for Taiwan. The project is so meaningful. It means that Taiwan has the ability to help other underdeveloped countries around. We are keeping moving forward, and we still are contributing to the world.

The national flag of Taiwan is printed on students’ uniform.

I designed the stands of fruits from Taiwan Technical Mission for the opening ceremony.

Dr. Lin teaches electric wiring.

Dr. Wu takes responsibility for vehicle repairing.
Loren Wu,


A journey totally changes me life.

I will, or will not, come back to this small island again, but I know this stop in the earth of my life will strengthen my wills to make the world better.

I have never thought that I will fly a half of the Ocean Pacific and stay in a small island for almost one year! The period will definitely be one of my unforgettable memories in my life.

The route from Taiwan to the Marshall Islands

Heaven or hell? Where am I?
This is an island country called the Republic of Marshall Islands, located in the middle of the Ocean Pacific, and I stay in Marjuro, the capital island of Marshall Islands.

Majuro Atoll, The Republic of the Marshall Islands.

A business guy. What I did in the country?
On the moment I stood on the land of this island, I regarded this journey as a great chance to help some people or even only one person. Although I graduated from business school, I firmly believed that I can do something by my professional knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Followings are what I did during this period here.

1. Assisting diplomatic affairs.

(1) 太誼專案, The project of President Ma visited the Marshall Islands. (Marsh, 2010)

Sleeping on the sofa in the Embassy for entire week, I strived for the tasks with the counselor and secretary. Floor plans, motorcade routes, banquet settings, and lots of paper works I did for completing this project. In addition, I cooperated with the members of the National Security Bureau, who always wear the black sun-glasses and stand by the president. Moreover, I participated in a meeting with the officials of Marshallese ministry foreign affairs. It was quite interesting that I have never joined a diplomatic meeting like this.

(2) 敦睦艦隊 visited the Marshall Islands. (Marsh, 2010)

I assisted for arranging around 400 NAVYs’ transportation from vessels to every activity place in Majuro.

(3) 職訓計畫, The ROC-RMI Vocational Training Project. (July, 2010)

This project is about vehicle repairing and electrical wiring training for the Marshallese. I helped dispose some details about this program and about two professors from Taiwan. Also, I joined the meetings with the officials of Public Works and learn the convincing and communicative way in a diplomatic meeting.

Working with the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Republic of the Marshall Islands not only can make good relationship between two countries but also truly help this country and the people by some projects such as the ROC-RMI vocational training project. It is quite meaningful to me and expends my mindset.

2. Marketing the agriculture to change people’s life.

The organization I work for in the Marshall is the Taiwan Technical Mission. Taiwan Technical Mission is supporting and training agriculture knowledge and skills for Marshallese people. My main task here is to market the “agriculture” and induce people to make their living by growing their own farm business.

(1) Arranging and assisting several marketing events.

These events such as fruit demonstration, cooking demonstration, and lectures will let the Marshallese understand that they can make money by growing vegetables and fruits. Besides, their health conditions will get better because of eating these natural things instead of meet and cans.

(2) Holding student visiting tours.

The youth is the future of every country. I try to educate young students the concepts of health, the knowledge of agriculture, and the basic operating of business. Not only do I tell students something but also inspire and encourage them have the brave to change their country.

3. Helping all kinds of affairs in the Taiwan Technical Mission.

The rest time I stay in Marshall is to support Taiwan Technical all kinds of affairs such as paper working, document managing, and so forth. Sometimes I have to work with Marshallese works or to manage them, it is a great oppotrunity to overcome the culture shock and modify my way and attitude to make things well.

Here, in the small islands, I try my best to apply my professional knowledge and experience on doing everything for the people, for the organization, and for the countries. It is no doubt that this journey is valuable and changes my whole life as well as my mind every time while seeing the smiles that Marshallese people response for thanking me a little help!

Loren Wu,


How Will You Measure Your Life?

"How Will You Measure Your Life?"
This is the title of a great and thought-provoking article that a best friend sent to me.
And, it is also a great beginning of my blog.

Why I star to establish this blog?
I want to keep up my mind with my visions I set.
I want to remind myself every moment do not forget the goals of my life.

1. A sweet family.

I firmly believe that a sweet family is the power for me to keep realizing my dreams.

2. Keep learning and expending my mindset.

If I stop learning, I cannot make progress anymore. I always believe, and in my own observations and experiences, learning in the best environments will make me better and expend my mindset. Once I become matured and have abilities that I can help more people.

3.Try my best to make the world better little by little.

Perhaps I cannot make a giant contribution to the whole world, but I will try my best to make the world better little by little. With my professional knowledge and experience, I can help a person understand something, I can arrange a project going smoothly, and I probably can with some buddies create something to make the world get well.

I am not alone.
I can feel some trusts and connections from my friends even though we are not in the same country. I know that there are always someone who have the same dreams with me, to make the world better.
Of course, I am not alone.

In the end, I have to apologize for the one I loved.
Honestly, I really did the worst thing in my life and hurt the one’s heart. One of the reason establishing this blog is to make up my mind to be pure and to be responsible for myself.

I choose to dedicate myself into business, an industry can make the world better but it is also the darkest enviroment around the world. I, with the starting of the blog, vow to the one I loved and the one still trust me that I will never do something mean and hurt them again.

How will I measure my life?
I will be strong-minded to love the one I loved, keep growing to help someone, and try my best to make the world better little by little, step by step.

Loren Wu,
2010.07.23 @ Majuro, Marshall Islands